Lazuz App

Choose your favorite sport nationwide

A variety of sports facilities are waiting for you. Your reservation is three clicks away.

Quick access to sports facilities near you

Enter the app, choose your favorite sport, and see all the clubs in your area. Select your preferred day and time, pay via the app, and your court will be ready when you arrive! Don’t forget to check your mail for a receipt.

Your money is secure

We are working all the time to improve user experience and make more and more sports facilities accessible, so that you can enjoy a quick and easy reservation process, without exposing your ID or credit card details. We use the most advanced data protection and are committed to providing the service you ordered.

Smart Gate entrance

After creating a new standard for renting courts through the Lazuz app, we decided to also provide our users complete autonomy entering facilities by opening gates and doorways to the selected court directly through the app.

Standby service and club rankings

Extra features we developed make sure an open court never goes unused, and quality service at facilities doesn’t go unrewarded. Our goal is to help you get more exercise and live a healthier lifestyle!